Sourcing offers browsing in multiple languages through auto-translation supported by Google Translate.
In addition to English and Chinese, buyers can browse Sourcing in 21 auto-translated languages:
- Afrikaans
- Arab
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- Deutsch
- French
- Hindi
- Hungarians
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Malay
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Thai
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
While Sourcing can be viewed in these languages, please note that your product / service / supplier searches must be conducted in English or Chinese. Buyers can translate the keyword to English or Chinese to source.
To change your Sourcing language settings, you can follow the below steps:
1. On Sourcing, click on “” and select the “Language” option.
2. Click on your preferred language to browse on Sourcing.
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